Feeding Systems is a company characterized by the commercialization of its own product as a result of an intense R&D activity.
The close relationship we have with our customers worldwide allows us to always be informed of the needs of the aquaculture sector and to work on the development of new and innovative solutions.

Developed Projects

Developed Projects

SmarFeed Logo


Development of intelligent automated systems for aquaculture feeding.
This project has been co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund ERDF-INTERCONNECTA 2015.

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The objective is to implement feeding management systems that cover all the growing phases, from the moment the fish larvae begin to feed on balanced diets until the final ongrowing phase.

These systems will incorporate a range of sensors and software that will allow producers to obtain maximum control over processes that, due to their technical and biological complexity, are currently very difficult to manage, guaranteeing stable and replicable productions.

NovoFeed Logo


Smart-System for larval brood feeding in aquaculture with live feed.
This project has been co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund ERDF through the Multiregional Operational Program for Smart Growth.

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The general objective is the development of an intelligent automated system that allows to optimize the feeding processes with live feed to the fry in larval phase.

It is therefore about automating the first feeding process with live feed. Implement as intelligent element in the breeding processes of the hatcheries intelligent integrated dosing systems with live feed compatible with the early needs of the larvae.

SmartFeesh Logo


Smart FEEding Systems for Hatcheries.
This Project has been co-financed by Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) under the H2020-SMEINST-1 program.

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The SmartFEEsh solution aims to respond to the needs of the aquaculture sector by improving the success of the hatcheries, through the implementation of centralized and automatic intelligent systems with live dams (NOVOFEED) and micro-diets between 100 and 500 μm grain size ( SMARTFEED).
SeaFeed Logo


Floating feeding sytem for aquaculture at sea.
This project has been co-financed by the Conecta Peme program to encourage cooperation between SMEs and other agents of the Regional Innovation System.

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The SeaFeed project has as a general objective the development of a feeding system for aquaculture at sea, either offshore or nearer of the coast, automated, intelligent and autonomous, installed on an energy efficient floating platform, which optimizes processes of food and guarantee the technological independence of the Galician aquaculture industry against the technical importation of third countries.

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SmartHatchery Logo


Smart FEEding Systems for Hatcheries.
This project has been co-financed by Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) within the EMFF-BlueEconomy-2018 program.

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The uniqueness of SmartHatchery is based on being the first solution capable of providing a centralized automatic co-feeding (life feed and micro-diets) and an I4.0 management system for all stages of the production of marine fish fry and larvae of shrimp.



Intelligent Aquaculture for the Future.
The main objective of AI4F is to develop a system to cover the monitoring of culture data (environmental, physico-chemical, animal behaviour) and fish feed

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(environmental, physico-chemical, animal behaviour) and fish feeding data, so that a wide range of parameters can be centrally managed and oriented to decision making based on data mining and artificial intelligence.

This project has been co-funded by the CDTI-PID programme (IDI-20230121).

We manufacture Customized Aquaculture Feeding Systems

Consulting, Analysis and Development of 100% customizable solutions

We manufacture Customized Aquaculture Feeding Systems

Consulting, Analysis and Development of 100% customizable solutions
Seal of innovative company in Spain

Innovative SME

Innovative SME

Our R&D capabilities and the level of development achieved in our projects have allowed us to obtain the Innovative SME seal granted by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness.
Logo Pyme Innovadora MEIC
Logo Fondo Europeo Desarrollo Regional
Logo Centro Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial
Logo Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo Enisa

Founded in 2008, we manufacture only feeding systems for Aquaculture, feeding all stages of the life of the fish and/or shrimp.


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