Larval feeding of dry and live feed centralized and automatic

20 April 2020by administrator
Automatic Central Feeding Systems for Medium and Large Hatcheries

Low reproducibility in terms of survival, growth and quality is one of the main issues that all hatcheries have to face. It is assumed that these problems are caused by nutritional and microbiological factors

Fish larvae have high growth rates which means that live and dry feed should be continually available. Therefore, it is necessary for continuous dosage of high-quality feed.

Manual feed dosage is the most common method used in hatcheries. Since it is added several times a day, variations in live availability should be expected. Such variations reduce the nutritional quality of the feed and environmental conditions.

FishFarmFeeder, the world manufacturer in aquaculture feeding systems, unique vendor covering from hatcheries to on-growing, supplies central feeding systems for both live and dry feed. A disruptive technology is used to manage feed in a central and unattended way in fish hatcheries. The live feed solution provides automatic delivering of microalgae and live preys -rotifer and artemia- to larval culture tanks. The live feed is cold stored and controlled by a production management software that is enabled to receive inputs from environmental control systems

  • Dissolved oxygen
  • Ttemperature

This way it allows a high precision feed dosing guaranteeing constant availability of high-quality live feed to the larvae tank.

Dry feeding is performed by a machine that works by pneumatic impulse. The feed is stored in silos (up to 4 pellet sizes) and its distribution through pipes is controlled by a production management software that is enabled to receive inputs from environmental control systems

  • Dissolved oxygen
  • Ttemperature
  • pH
  • Turbidity

A high precision feed dosage is achieved which guarantees the continuous availability of feed for the larvae tank.

Continuous live and dry feed supply allows improving marine finfish hatcheries outputs. A 5-15% increase in larval survival and a 1-5% reduction in larval deformities is achieved due to the reduction of live feed retention time and lower loss of enrichment quality in the larval tank. More precise dosages let an improvement in water quality with a reduction of pathological outbreaks up to 20%. Operational costs are reduced up to 5% and labour productivity is increased by reducing highly time-consuming tasks.

Central live feeding systems introduce a change in the current feeding practices in hatcheries, since they bring feed efficiency and growth rate increases, quality assurance, animal welfare improvement. Besides, they are a key contributor to aquaculture sustainability.

FishFarmFeeder allows both feeding systems to be managed from the same software, allowing feeding to be administered during the larval cycle 

If you want more information about our hatchery feeding systems … Contact us


Founded in 2008, we manufacture only feeding systems for Aquaculture, feeding all stages of the life of the fish and/or shrimp.


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