To extend the feeding of fingerlings in nursery cages, Fish Farm Feeder has designed, manufactured and installed first individual automated feeding systems for fingerlings in saltwater ponds.
Thanks to the solar panel supplement, these feeders take advantage of the maximum number of hours of sunlight for feeding the fish, which helps to precipitate their growth.
Once the first individual feeders had been validated in a real production environment, Fish Farm Feeder has started with a serial production. The individual feeders are a complementary solution to existing feeding systems from boats and/or barges in offshore farming.

Features of automated feeder for offshore
The new automated feeding system developed by Fish Farm Feeder has been designed to feed fingerlings up to 50 grams with pellets up to 3 mm.
This feeder, powered by solar energy, allows that the saltwater cage can be fed for an extra time – between 6 and 10 hours. The system doses and disperses the feed with doses between 20 and 30 kg per hour, using a spreader to disperse the feed along the surface of the cage.
The Feeder for Cages contains a silo with a capacity of 250 Kg, which can be refilled using a charger from a ship.
Objective: Exponential SGR Increase
Taking the advantage of sunlight, the individual finfish feeder allows supplementing the common feeding ways in offshore farming, and that way contributes to significant increase of SGR.