
We are not conscious that such problems had arisen

After each shot, the blower continues to blow to avoid leaving moisture inside the pipe. Also, you can program the feeding system to blow only air when not feeding

The curves affect negatively the duration of the pipes, since in these the feed particles produce more abrasion when the radius of curvature is smaller. The recommendation is that the curves have the largest possible radius of curvature, never being less than 30D, with D being the outer diameter of the pipe. The use of elbows and curves at 90º is totally excluded

Currently we feed distances of 400 meters on land, reaching up to 800 meters at sea

In the following table you can see the approximate weight per meter

The diameter of the pipe to be used will be calculated by our engineers based on the size of the dose, the distance and the blower to be used.

Our feeding systems use HDPE pipes of diameter 20, 32, 40, 50, 63, 75, 90,100 and 110 mm.

The use of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) PN10, PE100 pipes with feeding certification is recommended.


It will depend on the size of the pipe to be used, being the maximum supported of 200 outlets

The technology developed and patented by FFF of a matrix-shaped selector allows us, on the same surface, to have more outlets than traditional rotary-shaped selectors. In addition, it allows us to go from one outlet to another much faster and more precisely due to the movement in 2 coordinate axes that allows us to move from left to right, top to bottom and diagonally at the same time.


There are multiple ways to load silos depending on their size and location. At FFF we manufacture some models to measure and advise clients with different standard options on the market.

At FFF we manufacture standard silos up to 2.5 cubic meters. For larger sizes, standard manufactured silos are used, which we connect to our feeding system

The silos designed and manufactured by FFF are built in AISI 304, 316L or Galvanized Stainless Steel


A spreader is an accessory that is installed at the end of the pipeline and allows the feed sent through the pipeline to spread as widely and homogeneously as possible.

Depending on the morphology of the tank to be used, we recommend different types of spreaders. On our website https://www.fishfarmfeeder.com/en/feeding-systems/spreaders/ you will find more information and examples

The use of spreaders allows, among other things, an optimal spreading of the feed on the surface of the water, which contributes to a more homogeneous growth of the fish and prevents the feed from being wasted, consequently improving the FCR

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Founded in 2008, we manufacture only feeding systems for Aquaculture, feeding all stages of the life of the fish and/or shrimp.


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