Selectors for Automatic Feeding Systems used in Aquaculture in Land, Sea and RAS Fish Farms

18 January 2021by

The selector is one of the key elements of a centralized feeding system. It distributes the feed to different tanks or cages of a fish farm, on land or at sea.

Each selector is made up of a number of outlets equal to the number of spots to be fed at the farm.

The selector outlet is connected to each tank or cage with a HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) pipe, used to transport the feed from the selector to the tank.

Selector outputs in automatic feeding systems for fish farms
Selector connected with HDPE pipe in aquaculture feeding systems

Recommendations for the installation of the pipes to guarantee a correct distribution of the feed in the tanks:

  • The pipe must have a sufficient section to minimize the loss of load and to prevent the feed deterioration due to high speed.
  • The diameter of the pipe to be used in each feeding system depends on the size of the feed, the dose and the feeding distance.
  • Avoid sharp curves by its installation, the pipes should be placed as straight as possible.

Types of Selectors used in aquaculture

  • REVOLVER selector: a system with outlets placed in a circle. Each outlet is selected by gearmotor.
  • MATRIX selector: It is a system invented by FishFarmFeeder. The outlets are placed in a form of matrix whereby outlet selection is supported by two servo motors, one on the X axis and the other on the Y axis.
Types of selectors in aquaculture feeding systems
Matrix selector and stirring scheme in aquaculture feeding systems
Revolver Feed Selector
Matrix Feed Selector developed by FishFarmFeeder

Advantages of the MATRIX vs REVOLVER Selector in Automatic Feeding Systems

These are the main advantages of the Matrix-style selectors:

  • GREATER NUMBER OF TANKS SUPPLIED BY SELECTOR: Taking a pipe diameter of 32 mm as a reference, by revolver system we would be limited to 60 outlets, while in a matrix system we would have 180 outlets at the disposal.
  • LESS SPACE NEEDED: The matrix designed selector requests less space. Apart of that it provides greater robustness.
  • FASTER FEEDING: The movement between outlets (from tank to tank) in the revolver system is rotary. In the matrix selector it runs on the X axis, on the Y axis or diagonally (at the same time on the X and Y axis). Thanks to this technology, a movement speed between outlets is 3 times faster than by rotary-format selector.
  • LESS MAINTENANCE REQUIRED: Matrix selector is made of AISI316 Stainless Steel and with high quality components. Therefore it only needs to be greased according to the maintenance book.
  • VALID FOR A LARGE SCALE OF FEED SIZE: Matrix selector outlets start by 20 mm diameter, which allow feeding micro diets from 300 microns.

Examples of Matrix Selectors

Matrix selector in Fish Farm Feeder automatic feeding system
Matrix selector operation in automatic feeding system in fish farms
Fish Farm Feeder Matrix Selector
Matrix selector system valid for feeding in fish farms
Matrix selector for feed distribution in fish farms

High Density Polyethylene Pipes (PADS)

HDPE pipe is used to transport the feed from the selector to a cage or a tank. It is PE-100 PN10 High Density Polyethylene pipe suitable for alimentary use.

At FFF we are used to install in generically (for each feeding stage in aquaculture), the following tubes:

Diameter (mm) Distance (m)
Hatchery 20-25 100
Pre-grow 32-40 400
Ongrowing 50-63-75-90-110 800
High-density polyethylene tubing. Fish Farm Feeder
Pipes for automatic feeding systems in fish farms
If you need to automate the feeding system of your fish farm, please let us know.

We have the most complete catalog of automatic feeding systems for all stages of the fish or shrimp life: hatcheries, pre-growth and ongrowing.

Founded in 2008, we manufacture only feeding systems for Aquaculture, feeding all stages of the life of the fish and/or shrimp.


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